Thinking & Feeling Loop of Anger (Rawr!)
Your third energy center in the body is located in the pit of your gut. It is in charge of your stomach, small intestine, spleen, liver, gall bladder, adrenal glands, and kidneys. The hormones associated with this area are adrenaline and cortisol, as well as kidney hormones renin and angiotensin, erythropoietin and all the liver enzymes. As well as stomach enzymes like pepsin, trypsin and Hydrochloric acid. This area is sometimes referred to as the solar plexus or celiac plexus.
Energetically and consciously, this center is associated with our will, our power, self-importance, control, aggression, dominance, and drive. This is where our sense of competitive nature resides and directed intention.
Now lets look at how the thinking-feeling loop works in conjunction with this particular energy center. Most thoughts and feelings activate this and the lower two centers.
Let’s say you think a thought, such as my boyfriend/girlfriend is a jerk face. The drawing above depicts how thinking that thought turns on a whole neurological network in your brain. Then you have another thought My boss sucks and you turn on another neuro network. Then you think I’m overworked, and now you’re off to the races. Because MIND is the brain in action, if you keep thinking more thoughts along the same lines and you activate enough neurons firing in cohesion and pattern, you PRODUCE a level of mind, which then creates an internal representation of yourself in your brain’s frontal lobe. This area is where you can make your internal thoughts more real than your outer environment!!! ( You’re thinking, now this is just crazy talk Dr. Shannon) I know I speak for everyone when I say, YIKES!
So here we are now, we are seeing ourself as an angry person. If you accept and believe this idea, little cutie neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that send information between neurons) begin to influence neuropeptides (chemical messengers created by the Autonomic Nervous System within the limbic brain. Aka Molecules of Emotion! STAY WITH ME HERE! These puppies signal hormones in the adrenal glands in the example of being angry. The adrenal glands release their magic and make you ticked off!!! Now you’re broadcasting a specific energy signature through the third energy center carrying a message “Send me another reason to feel the way I’m already feeling – Send me another reason to feel angry.”
Your brain monitors your chemical state so the moment you feel angry, it’s going to think more corresponding thoughts equal to how you feel. I should quit my job. I’m right and everyone else is wrong. Man, they suck at driving. If you turn on enough of those circuits, it reaffirms your identity with the image in your forebrain. Then the limbic system creates more of the same neuropeptides, which then signal the same hormones from your third energy center, and you start to feel more angry and frustrated. AGHHHHH!
This cycle can go on for decades, whether the thinking is justified or not. Then our brain is hardwired into a certain pattern and repeatedly conditions the body emotionally into the past. If that’s not enough, the body becomes the mind of anger AND is stored as energy in the body-mind. So, all that emotion, which was originally created as thought, becomes stored as energy in the body, stuck in the solar plexus area.
Not surprising then, stored energy produces a corresponding biological effect, in this case things like adrenal fatigue, digestive problems, kidney issues, or weakened immune system. Not to mention other psychological effects like short temper, frustration, intolerance, and impatience. Thus, an enormous amount of energy can be stored in the body as anger, frustration, bitterness, control or hatred.