Some people believe it works by balancing vital energy, while others believe it has a neurological effect. Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into the body at different locations and depths. It aims to balance the life forces known as Qi that are responsible for different health issues.Your body is made up of energy called Qi (pronounced chi). The Qi runs in channels we call meridians (like highways) all over the body. When there is an imbalance or area stuck, you get sick/feel pain. The acupuncture needles get put in specific spots to help move the energy creating more balance to let the body heal itself


Acupuncture works in a manner called “gate control theory” by stimulating peripheral nerves with the needles we shut the “gate” or pain signals traveling through the spinal cord and thus to the brain. This also changes the neurotransmitters (NT) that release in the brain and blood flow to the areas involved in sensing pain.

At a local level, it is a microtrauma to the skin, muscle, and surrounding nerves. Therefore mediating an inflammatory response and creating the myriad of healing processes locally and affecting the local nerves and those with branches in this area. That’s why needling distal parts of the body can affect areas closer to the spine. 

As a neurohormonal theory, it has an analgesic action mediated by stimulating the release of natural endorphins and enkephalins in the brain to affect the thalamus. Releasing Nitric Oxide (NO) locally affecting blood flow and giving a subtle sense of euphoria.


Dr. Shannon works with you to create a specialized treatment plan to address the concerns you have for mind-body healing and physical pain. Traditional acupuncture can treat local acute pain, chronic pain, headaches, fertility desires, digestion challenges, anxiety, sleep challenges, challenges; the healing possibilities are tailored to your needs. Let us guide your body to its innate healing.