Spring Cleanse!

Have you been noticing a decrease in appetite and and increase in desire for healthier lighter foods???!!!


You’re not alone. If you read last weeks blog you will know how the increased lighter days help our brain know it’s time to come out of “hibernation”. Our brains and bodies are SO smart and guide us. We just have to slow down to listen.


For most, March and April are about renewal. The darker days (minus this last gloomy push) have passed and flowers are starting to peek their way up. As your skin starts to shed, its winter cost of insulating fats, now is the time to reach for the FRESH. Cleanse and Renew your body.


This time of year is critical for kick starting your fat metabolism and support your liver. Without doing so, you may experience some less than desirable side effects. Just like the snow on the ground begins to melt, excess winter fat in the body starts to dissolve.


Hello sinus congestion?! Ugh. I know. Post nasal drip and some sluggish digestion. All normal folks.


Don’t let this excess mucus and moisture dampen your mood! I have found some recipes specifically to support your body through this transition time.




Time to say goodbye to the rich desserts and heavy comfort foods. We don’t want to be clogged up this time of year! Instead, lighter recipes can take the center stage.


Adding simple vegetable juicing into your diet can help aide in allowing the liver to deeply cleanse and purge. Ingredients like kale, beets, and celery work to purify and expel metabolic toxins. Circulating the blood due to their light and bitter/pungent tastes. In liquid form, the nutrients from these vegetables are efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream.









Not a fan of juicing???? Try the Beet Cleanse Soup. Beets are one of nature’s most important cleaning ingredients as they flush the liver by stimulating the flow of bile. Encouraging strong fat metabolism!


Try this recipe out



Whatever direction you take, make sure to allow gentleness for yourself and the Earth as we all transition into more light, abundance, and warmth!


Happy Cleansing~


Bee gone Allergies!


Are we still hibernating?! (A memoir to Spring)