Are we still hibernating?! (A memoir to Spring)
March is the time of year when animals begin to awaken from hibernation. Of course, they don't have an alarm clock like we do, but they do rely on their internal clocks. Sometimes they get signals from their environment (days getting longer or warmer etc) that trigger them to stir. However, many animals in caves and dark burrows don't get these clues. What they DO have is a part of their brain which triggers a series of chemical reactions in them. The hibernator may shiver which uses energy and creates heat which might wake them.
YOU may not sleep for months on end, but you too have a similar situation that helps you naturally fall asleep and wake each day. Your internal clock is called the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS (or SCN). It consists of two small paired clusters of about 10,000 nerve cells each located inside YOUR brain. Your SCN collects info from your eyes and reports to your brain accordingly. When there is less light, the SCN signals the brain to produce the sleep-inducing chemical called melatonin.
This is why your parents don't want you to use your phone or other electronics before you go to bed. The light can confuse your brain into thinking it's time to wake up.
Additionally, your SCN controls your circadian rhythms. These are 24-hour cycles that regulate many of your body's functions and form the foundation of good health. Your SCN (or master clock) also controls smaller "clocks" found in nearly every organ of your body. It's vital to a properly functioning human body. What if your lungs and kidneys decided to sleep in?!
Rhythm in the brain is synchronized by light and darkness outside; and by eating time,daylight exposure, exercise, and stress management from inside the body. Clearly communication in the body is ESSENTIAL to helping your body function optimally.
The most vital part of this communication is a healthy spine and nervous system. Sometimes our bones can misalign causing disruption and pinching on nerves which talk to the brain. (called a subluxation).
Because your nervous system literally controls EVERYTHING in your body, it seems simple that keeping this system in check is in your body's best interest!
Misalignments in bones/body= poor communication to brain and body.
Perhaps Cup and Cone will be the key to Spring :)