Curb Fall Anxiety

Changing weather patterns, like the onset lately of windy and chilly nights, naturally increase anxiety levels in the fall. If you naturally run a little tired and deficient you could be more vulnerable to the rough change of season. Waking up before the sun and driving home after it’s dark DEFINITELY puts a strain on all of us.

In the summer we naturally feel more energetic and extroverted. The extended daylight hours make summer a fun time for pool parties, barbeques, and walks before sunset. Fall then, is a time to slow down and avoid stresses of doing too much. So… (you ask)… how can one do this??

This fall, take precautions to reduce anxiety by avoiding stressful situations. Try by reducing the number of activities you partake in on a given day. Friends, it is OK to say “no”. Seriously. Sometimes the best self-care is to simply allow yourself to do less. Be gentle with yourself. Enjoy natural sleepiness of fall as you snuggle under a blanket at home. Take care of yourself more than usual, away from the pressures of social life, and conserve your energy. Here are 3 ways to keep your mind and body strong in the fall: 

  1. Keep warm 

  1. Make your life cozy 

  1. Get enough sleep, conserve energy 

When you follow these guidelines above, you will feel the inward pull of this fall season. Reflect, and protect yourself and nourish yourself with warmth, baths and cozy dishes. 


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