What is your life an expression of?
Whether it’s social media, the news, friends, family or being out in public, we are bombarded with information. It is easy to lose your footing in this, if you don’t have a deep grounding in Being. You won’t see it reflected in others then. We need a sense of being that is Innate. The peacefulness of Being itself. To find a refuge in our own being.
Of course, there is a time to retreat internally.
Are your actions and your speech a reflection of love and sincerity? Where is my mode of being in the world derived from? Is it an outcome of my reality? Fear. Anxiety. Rage. We certainly see that in the world all around us. A way of resentment, anger, and anxiety.
It is not wrong to feel that. The issue of where I’m coming from, what I’m expressing, THAT becomes paramount. What am I embodying moment to moment?
It is worthwhile to start to become conscious. What am I embodying? Where are my actions derived from? That takes a willingness to slow down and look inside. It requires a kind of honesty. A responsibility. For taking responsibility of YOUR orientation in the world. Look at where you’re responding FROM. How do I have a different experience than I’m currently having.
Our reaction is coming from a certain orientation. A way we are relating with challenges of embodied existence. It seems what we value is ANGER, BLAME, RESENTMENT, and UPSET. We have a world that is moving FROM anger, anxiety, and resentment. Not that we shouldn’t have or experience those human emotions, but we are actually moving from it. From that place. We are actually feeding the discord we are so troubled by.
Read that again. We are actually FEEDING THE DISCORD WE ARE SO TROUBLED BY day to day.
It seems essential then we each take some responsibility from where we are oriented. And we don’t blame it on the world. We don’t put our sense of safety or anger on another human or the world. Not an outwardly focused approach.
Obviously, there is endless room for improvement. But we had better really come to a reckoning. What am I embodying? So, we have to take a moment and look on the inside. What is it exactly I want my life to be an expression of? This alone will take you out of the feeling of being a victim to life and your surroundings. Each of us can look within and decide what we want our lives to be an expression of. What do you really care about. Not what you DON’T like or are upset about.
So….. Look inside. What do I care about? What would it mean if I oriented myself and what I care about, as a heartful response to the world and the people I see and meet. How would it look to be an expression of Divine Love.