Being Comfortable with the Uncomfortable - WBL Chiropractor
I was reading my nightly meditation/devotion as I do, and noticed that the words I read caused some polarity in me. The quote went on like this “When we are going through ambiguous times, we may feel directionless and the unknown can cause trepidation.”
Many of us prefer the easy road (trust me, I get it). We have this natural inclination to stick with the “status quo”, to resist the unknown, and to stay comfortable. It’s nothing personal really, but our ancestral drive to survive. We’re afraid of trying something new, so we avoid the change. I’m wondering what would happen if we changed our relationship TO change and became comfortable being uncomfortable.
Wow, this hit home. I don’t know about you, but the unknown isn’t always my favorite place to dwell. I think most of us create a life and pursue safety and consistency and believe this will find us inner contentment.
It’s no surprise to any of us that COVID is really stirring the pot. All sorts of directionless nature and trepidation. In ourselves, in our country and truthfully, all around us. It’s a collective battle we are all struggling with. If you’re uncomfortable with discomfort, you’re probably running away from uncertainty and change and possibly finding every excuse to blame others for what’s happening. But, that’s being human.
Everything in life is a constant state of flux. Our skin changes, the grass changes, people change.
When you hide from these tough issues, you may play safe and refuse to take risks. But afraid of conflict, you may fail to challenge yourself or others, to greater performance and a better, more fulfilling life.
My meditation went on to talk about when we use a paintbrush on canvas, the colors blend, and each stroke creates something new, something of depth. There are NO MISTAKES in creativity and in life. It may appear the colors are chaotic and out of place, but at some point, it becomes artistic magic.
I am with you. Deep in the mess of all the colors appearing to blend in my life. I am finding a way to have peace and ease in the mess though. To trust, and to really give in and let life move me and show up how it does. To live fully, we must be willing to step into the unknown, knowing that something is always ok and things have a way of working themselves out. Maybe not how we planned, but truly what is best.
Change feels uncomfortable for most of us. Our fear and anxiety and discomfort are all natural human feelings.
Life is messy, it's all sorts of colors and paints on a canvas we call our lives.
Let’s paint some magic Dear Ones.